Thursday, June 18, 2009

Obama and the Fly

Dear PETA,
As a longtime supporter of all your good work, I must share with you my extreme disappointment regarding your press release about the president killing the fly. There are several levels of disappointment, as a matter of fact. First, your opinion that a fly is an animal in need of protection from cruelty is an insult, to say the least, to all the animals that need protection from cruelty. Secondly, it's an insult to me personally and all of the wonderful dogs and cats that I count as family, and all of the dogs, cats, gerbils and fish that I've cherished in my 47 years on this Earth. However, as an organization that I believe does in fact do good work, I'm disappointed that your media folks obviously did not think this through. You as an organization, more often than not, come off as wacky extremists on the world stage, which I support (most of the time) in order to bring notice for the purpose of helping animals. However, in this case, you just gave fodder to the world to laugh at what I think of as the most important movement in the world, that of Animal Protection. Honestly, I couldn't believe my ears when I heard this on The View. What in the world were you thinking, folks? Really-- as I learn more about The Amish and their constant mistreatment and abuse of all animals in their care, I would think that you have so many, many wars to wage and battles to win! You've given me pause as to what your organization is really all about. I must be honest and tell you that your future support by me (and probably thousands of others) has the lifespan of a common house fly. Or should I say White house fly.

Most sincerely,
Sean Bagley & Mr. Tug (pictured above)

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